Definition of Editorial Text and Structure Objectives
Definition of Editorial Texts, Objectives, Structure, Functions, and Complete Examples - Educators, have you ever heard the term editorial text? If you often read a newspaper such as a magazine or newspaper, in the newspaper usually a lot of news that contains a collection of facts and information that is useful for you. But in addition to news, usually in the newspaper also presents other columns that contain opinions or opinions written by the editor in chief. Now the column containing the opinions or opinions of the editor in chief is called the editorial text.
Are you still confused with editorial texts? if you are still confused, see Understanding Editorial Text, Objectives, Structure, Functions, Benefits, and Examples of Complete Editorial Text below.
Definition of Editorial Text
Editorial text is an article in a newspaper which is the editor's opinion or view of an event that is actual or is being hotly debated when the newspaper is published. The actual issue or problem can be in the form of political, social or economic problems related to politics. Examples of issues raised include the increase in fuel, cabinet reshuffle, import policies, etc. Editorial texts usually appear regularly in newspapers or magazines.
Editorial texts are opinions or opinions written by the editors of a media on actual issues in society. The opinion written by the editor is considered as the official view of a publisher or media on an actual issue.
Although the editorial text is an opinion or opinion, but in writing it can not be arbitrary. Writing opinions or opinions must be accompanied by facts, evidence and logical arguments.
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Understanding Editorial Text According to Experts
According to Dja'far H Assegaf in his book "journalism today" quoted from Lyle Spencer in "editorial writing", the editorial is a statement of facts and opinions in a concise, logical, interesting manner in terms of writing and aims to influence opinions or provide interpretations to a story that stands out in such a way that for most readers of the newspaper will listen to the importance of the meaning of the news presented earlier (Dja'far H. Assegaff: 1991).
Purpose of Editorial Text
There are at least 2 main objectives of the editorial text:
Editorial text aims to invite the reader to participate in thinking about the actual issues that are hotly discussed or are happening in the surrounding life.
Editorial texts aim to provide opinions or editor's views to the reader on developing issues.
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Benefits of Editorial Text
Provide information to the reader
Useful to stimulate the reader's thinking
Editorial texts are sometimes able to move the reader to action.
Editorial Text Function
Editorial text has several functions including, as follows:
The editorial function generally explains the news and its effects on the community.
Provide background from the news's relation with social reality and influencing factors more thoroughly.
Sometimes there is a condition analysis that serves to prepare the community for the possibilities that can occur.
Forward the moral assessment of the news.
Characteristics of Editorial Text:
The topic of editorial texts is always hot (developing and widely discussed by the public), is actual and factual.
Editorial texts are systematic and logical.
Editorial text is an opinion / opinion that is argumentative.
Editorial text is interesting to read, because it is written using short, concise and clear sentences.
Editorial Text Structure
There are 3 structures that make up the editorial / opinion text, namely:
A statement of opinion (thesis), a part that contains the author's point of view about the problem discussed, usually contains a theory that will be strengthened by an argument.
Argumentation, is the reason or evidence used to strengthen the statement in the thesis. The arguments provided can be in the form of general questions / research data, statements of experts, as well as facts based on reliable references.
Statement / Reiteration (Reiteration), is a part that contains a reaffirmation of opinion supported by facts in the argumentation section to strengthen / confirm. Reaffirmation at the end of the text.
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Editorial Text Language Rule
The linguistic rules used in editorial technology are not much different from the complex procedure texts using material verbs.
Adverb, aims to make the reader believe the text discussed using adverbs such as always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely and so on.
Conjunction is a conjunctions in the text, like even and so forth.
Material verbs are verbs that show physical actions or events.
Rational verbs are verbs that show the relationship of intensity (Understanding B is C) and belonging (Containing understanding B has C)
Mental verb is a verb that shows perception (seeing, etc.), affection (worry and others), and cognition (understanding and others). In mental verbs there are partitions [am senses and phenomena.
Editorial Text Types
Editorial interpretation, this editorial aims to explain the issue by presenting facts and figures to provide knowledge.
Controversial editorial, editorial aims to convince readers of the desire or foster reader confidence in an issue. In this editorial the opposite opinion will usually be described worse.
Editorial explanatory, this editorial presents a problem or an issue to be assessed by the reader. Usually this editorial text aims to identify a problem and open the eyes of the community to pay attention to an issue.
Examples of Editorial Texts in Newspapers
Pre-Disaster Mitigation
AVAILABLE the umbrella before it rains, became an expression taught by the ancestors and became a benchmark for anticipating every problem that would come. For this reason, the government echoes mitigation programs for each disaster-prone area.
It is fitting for the government to carry out various prevention, preparedness, early warning, anticipation and mitigation efforts until disaster relief, Article 5 states that the government and regional governments are responsible for the implementation of disaster management.
The government preparedness and mitigation benchmarks are reflected in the earthquake twice. The first earthquake occurred with a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale (SR) and there were no fatalities. In addition, there was also no tsunami along the coast of North Lombok.
And a week later, the earthquake shook North Lombok again, when residents were performing evening prayers. This time the earthquake was more powerful, namely 7 SR. Even though there was no tsunami, there were many casualties. Hundreds of residents died from building debris during the earthquake.
The National Disaster Management Agency notes that most of the victims died due to falling buildings. While the Climatology and Geophysics Meteorology Agency theorized that the first earthquake was a prelude, while the main earthquake or main earthquake was on August 5 with a magnitude of 7 SR. Next aftershocks with relatively smaller strength.
If examined from the explanation of two government agencies that are trusted to deal with the disaster, it means that there have been predictions that is an earthquake-prone area. Because, the area is above the earth's plate fault, so far away it should be able to do disaster mitigation.
The definition of mitigation itself according to that is an effort to reduce the risk of disaster for people who are in disaster prone areas. That means that in the North Lombok area the efforts should have been made, at least socialization to the community in the face of an earthquake. Socialization of anti-earthquake building construction and evacuation routes has been prepared.
Now Lampung is also an earthquake prone area, related to the position of Bumi Ruwa Jurai on the Eurasian and Australian plate faults. So that there will be a threat of casualties, if the government fails to provide mitigation before the disaster comes, suffering for many people will be a tragic scene that can not be avoided anymore.
Do not let the result of lack of mitigation, the coming disaster will take many victims. Especially if mitigation and disaster management are only used as projects. So, the victim who was very injured actually screamed even more in pain. Mitigation before a disaster strikes is a must.