Definition of Psychological Personality in General

Definition of Psychological Personality in General
General Understanding of Personality and Psychology and Characteristics, Determining Factors - Overall an individual's personality has reactions and interactions with other individuals. Personality Is often defined as a measurable sefat shown by others.

Definition of personality according to psychology
Gordon Allport defines personality in an organization (various psychological and physical aspects) is a process and at the same time structure. So, personality is something that can change. Allport explicitly stated, personality regularly grows and changes.

Personality traits
Healthy personality
Able to assess the situation realistically
Have a philosophy of life
Social acceptance
Goal oriented
Able to assess yourself realistically
Accept responsibility
Able to assess the achievements obtained realistically
Outgoing (extroverted)
Can control emotions
Be happy

Unhealthy personality
Less passionate (moping) in living life
Often feel depressed (stressed or depressed)
Lack of awareness to obey religious teachings
The habit of lying is hyperactive
Being hostile to all forms of authority
Lacking a sense of responsibility
Showing concern and anxiety
Often experience dizziness (although the cause is not an organic factor)
Happy to criticize / mock others
Be cruel or like to disturb other people who are younger or towards animals
Inability to avoid deviant behavior despite being warned or punished

Pessimistic in facing life
Irritable (offended)
Hard to sleep
Determinants of personality
Hereditary, personality is more directed towards an individual's genetics, gender, facial shape, physical height, reflection and temprament, biological composition and energy levels are characteristics that are generally considered, and are influenced by who the parents of a person are.

Environmental factor
And another factor that can also have a big influence on the formation of a character is the environment in which a person is raised and grown; friends, norms in a family, as well as social groups, and other influences that a person can experience. Environmental factors have a very important role in the formation of an individual personality.

In the life together in society in social control functions to be able to create an orderly society and in accordance with norms that have been mutually agreed upon. In order to realize this purpose, we recognize several types of social control based on their nature and purpose, whether they are official or not, and who controls them.

According to the nature and purpose
Judging from the nature and purpose we recognize preventive control, repressive control, and combined control between preventive and repressive control.

Preventive Control
Is an effort made to prevent deviations from social norms and values that apply in society. Thus this control is carried out before the occurrence of irregularities with a view to taking precautions as early as possible in order to avoid the possibility of irregularities. Preventive control efforts can be done through education in the family and community (informal), as well as education in schools (formal) such as the installation of traffic signs to prevent disorderly and road accidents.

Repressive Control
It is an attempt to restore harmony, order and harmony that is disturbed due to violations of norms or deviant behavior. So this control is carried out after a violation occurs. The aim is to make the parties who behave deviate aware of the consequences of their actions, as well as to comply with social norms that apply in society. For example a teacher who crossed out one of the students' work because they were caught cheating.

Combined Control
Is an effort that aims to prevent deviations (preventive) while returning irregularities that are not in accordance with social norms (repressive). Control efforts that combine preventive and repressive characteristics are intended so that a behavior does not deviate from the norm and if it does, the deviation does not harm the person concerned or others.