Sample Explanatory Text: Definition and Structure of Language

Sample Explanatory Text: Definition and Structure of Language
Examples of Explanatory Texts: Understanding, Structure, Characteristics, Language Rules - This explanatory text material has not been found in textbooks that refer to the previous curriculum. Besides that, the availability of references about this material on the internet also turns out to be still very minimal. This situation is inversely reversed by the fact of the Google search engine which notes that the demand for information with the keyword "explanatory text" is quite high. That is, there are many people out there who are in need of discussion relating to this text.
An event both natural events and social events that occur around us, always have a causal relationship and have a process. An event that happens around us, not only for us to observe and feel, but also for us to learn. We can study the incident, for example in terms of why and how it happened.

Understanding Explanation Text According to Experts
Explanation comes from a foreign language (English) which means the act of explaining or explaining and explaining information, statements or facts (The Contemporary English-Indonesian Dictionary: 651). Understanding Explanation Text (Explanation Text) is a text that contains about processes related to natural phenomena, social, scientific, cultural, and others.

While Restuti (2013: 85) says that the notion of explanatory text is a text that explains or explains the process or natural and social phenomena.
And According to (Mahsun, 2013: 189): This text is structured with a structure consisting of parts that show a general statement (opening), a series of explanations (content), and interpretation / closing. The general statement section contains brief information about what was said. The explanatory row contains a sequence of descriptions or explanations about the events that occurred. Meanwhile, the interpretation section contains the author's brief opinion about the event that occurred. This section is the closing text of explanation which may or may not exist.

Purpose of the Explanation Text
The purpose of writing explanatory texts is to explain the process of creating something that happens naturally, or the process of working of natural and social phenomena.

Explanation Text Structure
The explanatory text has a structure that consists of general statements, followed by a sequence of cause and effect and ends with interpretation. To understand more about these structures, please refer to the following description.
General Statement, Contains a general explanation of the phenomenon to be discussed, can be in the form of an introduction to the phenomenon or an explanation. The general explanation written in this text is a general description of what, why, and how the process of natural events can occur.
Explanatory Row, Containing an explanation of the process why the phenomenon can occur or created and can consist of more than one paragraph. Rows of explanations describe and detail the causes and consequences of a natural disaster that occurred.
Interpretation (Optional), optional closing text; not a requirement. The concluding text in question is, the text which is the essence or conclusion of a general statement and explanatory sequence. Optionally it can be a response or take a conclusion on the statement contained in the text (Mahsun, 2013)

Schematic Explanation
General Statement, Contains a general statement on a topic, which will explain the process of its existence, its occurrence process, the process of its formation, etc. It must be concise, interesting and clear, which can arouse the reader's interest to read the details.
Sequence of explanations, Contains detailed explanation of the existence process, the process of occurrence. Very relative to answer the question how, the answer in the form of a statement or declarative sentence. The use of sequence markers is very possible considering the process needs to be explained in stages, first, second, third, etc. or first, next, last.
Closing, Contains conclusions or statements about the topic / process described.
Writing explanatory texts is a component that is learned in a teaching and learning activity. This text writing activity is an activity of the students' observations about the text. The final result of a learning is to write the results of student observations about this text, both the content, structure, and language contained in the explanatory text.

Characteristics of the Explanation Text
Explanation text has 3 characteristics that can facilitate us to distinguish between explanatory texts and other texts, the following will be an explanation of the three characteristics of explanatory texts.
The structure consists of general statements, the sequence of causes and effects and interpretations as explained above earlier.
Contains information based on "factual" facts.
The fact is that it contains scientific or scientific information such as science and others.
Rule of Text Explanation
Explanatory texts generally have the following language characteristics:
Focus on general "generic" non-human participants (nonhuman participants) such as earthquakes, floods, rain and air.
It is possible to use scientific terms.
Use more material and relational verbs "active verbs".
Use conjunctions of time and vows for example if, if, so, before, first and then.
Use passive sentences.
Explanations are written to justify that something explained causally is true.
Example Text Explanation of Social Phenomena

Street performer
The increasingly mushrooming street singers at this time, especially in big cities seems to cause its own problems. There are those who respond positively but many more respond negatively. Street buskers are dancers, singers, or music players who perform shows on the streets by moving - moving from one vehicle to another. Street buskers are attached to street child symbols depicted filthy, dirty, naughty, criminal, etc. The poor view of the public on street buskers raises its own problems that deserve to be discussed.