Understanding Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Crustaceans

Understanding Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Crustaceans
1. Chilopoda
This group of animals is known as a centipede. Its body is elongated and rather flat. On its head is an antenna and mouth with a pair of mandible and two pairs of maxilla. In each segment of his body there is a foot and a pair of spiracles.
The first pair of legs is modified to be alt altoxic. Stingers are used to sting enemies or intruders. The sting causes swelling and pain. Examples of these animals are centipedes (scutigera sp.).

2. Diplopoda
Animals in this order are known as millipedes, although the number of legs is not a thousand. There are other names such as family. The body is round. The mouth consists of two pairs of maxilla and lower lip. In each segment of the body there are two pairs of legs and two pairs of spiracles .
Diplopods do not have poisonous claws because these animals are hebivorous or eat the rest of the organism. This animal moves slowly with legs that move like waves. When disturbed this animal will roll its body and pretend to die. Examples of these animals are millipedes (pass sp.) .

3. Crustaceans
Crustaceans (in Latin, crusta = leather) have a hard skin. Money, lobsters, and crabs are examples of this group.
Crustaceans are generally aquatic animals, although some live on land. The majority are aquatic animals, living in freshwater or the sea, although some groups have adapted to terrestrial life, such as terrestrial crabs. The majority can move freely, although some taxon are parasitic and live on their host.

Arthropoda characteristic
Segmented body. This means that they will have a body consisting of more than one part. Spiders have two segments and flies have three segments.
Many jointed legs or limbs. Spiders have 8 legs, thousand feet can have ... Hundreds! flies have three segments.
An exoskeleton. This is an external framework. Like armor, it protects the body of the arthropod. When arthropods are born the exoskeleton is soft but hardens quickly and can be shed as the creature grows. Arthropods are invertebrates, which means that they do not have a backbone.
cold-blooded. Arthropods are cold-blooded - that is, their body temperature depends on the temperature of their surrounding environment. Arthropods are some of the most interesting animals in the world!
habitat. Arthropods are worldwide in their distribution and occupy a variety of habitats including deep sea, coastal waters, terrestrial habitats, freshwater rivers and streams, forests, deserts, shrubs, and grasslands.
Has 3 main body parts namely segmented body (internodes), hard outer framework (exoskeleton), and tail.
The body consists of head (head), thorax (chest), and segmented abdomen (stomach)
The body is covered in cuticles as an outer skeleton made of protein and chitin
Have a variety of body sizes
Bilateral sympathetic body shape
The nature of arthropod life is parasitic, hetertropic, and living freely
Has a respirator in the form of trachea, gills, and lungs
Asexual and sexual reproduction
A perfect or complete digestive apparatus from the mouth, esophagus, intestine, and anus
Arthropods live in freshwater, land, sea and air
The arthropod circulatory system is open with blood that does not contain hemoglobin but hemocyanin

Arthropoda characteristic
General Characteristics of Arthropods
Arthropods belong to the triplobastik selomata animal group, which has a true cavity and three layers of the body. Arthropod body with books / joints, its legs are also segmented, have an outer frame (exoskeleton) from chitin which is useful for protecting internal organs and can provide body shape.
Arthropod body can be distinguished on the head (head), chest (thorax) and stomach (abdomen). If Arthropods are cut in half, then it is bilateral symmetry. The mouth is at the anterior end and the anus is at the posterior end.
Arthropod Having complete body tools including digestive organs, namely the mouth, esophagus, intestine, and anus. Respiration with gills, trachea, body surface, or with book lungs

Arthropod reproduction
Arthropod reproduction is done asexually and sexually. Asexually Arthropods by doing parthenogenesis (reproducing without fertilization by male animals) and paedogenesis (reproducing occurs in young individuals, namely the larvae). Arthropod genitals are separated

Arthropod type
Arthropods are grouped into Crustaceae (crustaceans), Insect (insects), Arachnoidea (spiders), and Myriapoda (millipedes).

a) Characteristics of Crustaceae
Crustaceans are also called crustaceans, for example: shrimp, crab, and yuyu. You certainly already know where these animal groups live, namely in seawater, lakes and rivers.
Crustaceae has a hard outer frame because it contains chitin and lime, so it is called a shelled animal. Crustaceae antennas are two pairs, have one pair of legs in each segment of the body, while shrimp or crabs have 5 pairs of walking legs.
The head and chest of the crustaceae are fused called cephalothorax. The head and chest are protected by a shield, which is hard skin called carapace. The feet can be used for walking, swimming or sticking to water.
Crustacean digestive system starts from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and anus. The rest of the metabolism exits through the green glands. The nervous system uses the nerve structure of the rope ladder, its respiration uses gills.
Crustacean sex can be separated and is hermaphrodite. Fertilization occurs internally, eggs containing zygotes hatch into larvae, then grow into adulthood through repeated skin changes.
Examples of these members are tiger shrimp (Penaeus), giant prawns (Macrobium resenbergi), freshwater shrimp (Cambarus virilis), crabs (Parathelpusa tredenlata), crabs (Portunus sexdentalus), and small crab (Neptune pelagicus).
This animal's body has a hard outer frame because it contains chitin and lime, so it is called a shelled animal. Antennas numbered two pairs, have one pair of legs in each segment of the body, while in shrimp or crabs have 5 pairs of walking legs.

The fused head and chest are called cephalothorax. The head and chest are protected by a shield, which is hard skin called carapace. The role of crustaceae is more beneficial for us, for example as a source of animal protein because it contains high protein such as shrimp, crabs, and crab.

b) Characteristics of Insects
Insect groups or insects have very many species, living on land and water. Insect body size is relatively small. Insects are often referred to as hexapods, which have six legs (3 pairs).
The body is distinguished from the head, chest and stomach. On the head of Insekta there is a pair of antennas that can be used to smell and touch. There is also a mouth, compound eyes (facet eyes) there are single-eyed (ocelli). The mouth of the insect according to its function is divided into four types, namely the type of licker and sucker (house fly), sucker type (butterfly), piercing and sucker type (mosquito), and the type of bite (grasshopper).
The chest part consists of 3 segments and there are 3 pairs of legs that are segmented, there are also wings. As for the stomach there are 6 to 11 segments, the posterior back segment as a means of reproduction. In female insects there are egg-laying devices called ovipositors and bags to store sperm.
The respiration uses tracheal vessels, which is air from outside entering the network through the tracheal vessels. The number of hearts is 5 pieces and the circulatory system is open. The excretion system uses malphigi vessels that surround the anus. The insect's life cycle undergoes a shape change called metamorphosis. However, there are types of insects that do not experience metamorphosis which is classified as ametabola insects, such as nerds (Lepisma).

Perfect Metamorphosis
Imperfect metamorphosis occurs in the order Orthoptera, Hemiptera, and Homoptera. There are two classes of Insecta, based on the presence or absence of wings, namely Insecta which does not have wings (apterygota), for example, are nerds and who have wings (pterygota). This class is further divided into several orders by observing its wings and mouth.
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c) Characteristics of Arachnoidea (Labah-Labah)
In the Arachnoidean group, the body has a head (united with the chest called the head of the chest) and a stomach. On the head there is a pair of kelisera, the shape is tapered and the end is hollow as a stinging device containing poison glands, a pair of pedipalpus as a clipper shaped like a scissors, and four pairs of legs; not having an antenna, breathing with books, tracheal lungs, or both.