Understanding Weeds And Diseases In Plants With Examples

Understanding Weeds And Diseases In Plants With Examples
After studying various types of pests in plants, the discussion will examine the understanding of weeds and diseases in plants. Now see the review below.

Weed Definition
Weeds are disturbing plants for cultivation. In contrast to pests and plant diseases, the effect caused by weeds is not seen directly and runs slowly. But overall the losses incurred are very large. This weed can be able to compete strongly with cultivation plants to meet the needs of nutrients, water, sunlight, air and growing space.

Examples of Plants That Include Weeds
Puzzle grass
Plant ferns
And water hyacinth
Some factors that cause losses due to competition between cultivation plants and weeds are:
Plant growth is inhibited so that the time starts to produce longer.
Decreased quantity and quality of production.
Weeds can become a den of pests and diseases.
Weed control is expensive.
Weed control is done in two ways, namely:
The traditional way to pull weeds directly.
The modern way is to spray using herbicides.
Understanding Plant Diseases
In addition to pests and weeds, there are more that can reduce the quality of plants, namely plant diseases. Plant disease can cause disruption of plant immune system against external influences. In general, this plant disease is caused by viru, bacteria and fungi.

corn plant disease
Examples of Plant Diseases
CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration) CVPD is a disease that damages the filter veins in the stems of citrus plants. CVPD is caused by a virus.
TMV (Tobacco Mozaic Virus) TMV is a mosaic virus that attacks tobacco plants. The leaves of tobacco plants that are attacked by the mosaic virus become easily colored green stripes to dark green. The leaf size becomes relatively smaller compared to the normal leaf size. When young plants are attacked by this virus plant growth is stunted and eventually stunted.
Downy mildew is a disease that usually attacks corn plants. The reason is the fungus with the spread using spores that are blown by the wind.
Striped virus disease is a disease that usually attacks soybean plants. The cause is a virus by blasting through the wind.
Grass dwarf disease is a disease usually attacks rice plants. The cause of the virus by spreading through the mediation of planthopper pests.
To control this disease is done by controlling the intermediary animals namely plant hopper. The control methods are as follows.

Planting rice that is resistant to planthopper pests (VUTW)
Breaking the planthopper's breeding cycle by seeking crop rotation is to plant two types of plants in one field alternately.
Growing rice simultaneously in a large area with the same type of rice planted. This is done so that harvesting can be done simultaneously at one time. Thus there is a grace period that is the absence of rice at all so that the plant hopper does not get food and eventually die.
Kill planthopper directly by using an insecticide at the right dose. The right dose is very important so that planthopper pests can be eradicated without disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. White colors such as feathers or cotton which are often found on the leaves and stems of plants are actually pests in the form of colonies of hairy small insects. If you take a magnifying glass and you pay attention, you will see the shape of the insect that is the pest.